I've been struggling to get myself away from my novel writing process. Now that my first series is done, I still feel like I should be doing something more useful with my time besides gaming all the time. Unfortunately, according to a lot of people, I tend to overwork myself as it is and a lot of people (including my parents and girlfriend) say that a long break for gaming is just what I need. It's like trying to ween a drinker off booze. I just can't help but keep wandering over to my computer and type up notes for my next series. Honestly, the only solution I've been able to come up with is to continue with my fanfiction which I'll probably get to once I finish the rest of my games. Relaxing for me is so damned hard...
Now that I'm done ranting about my life, I'm going to do some srs talk about gaming. I got a total of 11 freakin' games for my b-day and I'm gonna have around 34 coming for Christmas so I'm going to practice summarization for this blog and the next potential one. Let's begin!
First up, I have played what is (to me), one of the most movie-like games ever, Uncharted. Seriously good game, feels like Indiana Jones meets Assassin's Creed. The only complaint I have about it is the really annoying gunfights. That's really all I can complain about, the plots are original, the characters are witty and realistic, the graphics are pretty good, and the gameplay's insane. Feels like an all out great game, save for the annoying firefights.
Next up, played the Resistance series. It's not bad at all honestly, but seriously feels like somebody directly tried to make a Halo-CoD hybrid. The enemies are a little...strange but not bad. The rifles however are the kicker to me. Some of them are pretty sweet, like the Auger, a gun that shoots through cover. All in all, if you see the trilogy in for around $40.00, go for it, it's really not bad at all.
Also played Zone of the Enders. Remember Metal Gear Solid? Yeah, same people that worked on that also worked on ZoE. But ZoE is a TOTALLY different game altogether. First off, I just wanna say this, the gameplay feels sooooo damn good! You have so much room to move around and, though you kinda gotta strategize at some parts, you are given a lot of freedom on how you want to take down enemies. My only complaint is the storyline. Needs work, well, the first one does anyways. Didn't feel complete to me. Still good though, it's in HD and it looks insanely good (I also find the names of the mechs to be interesting; each one of them's named after an ancient Egyptian god like Neith and Anubis).
Lastly, and this is my fav for Xbox right now, my girlfriend got me Assassin's Creed 3 (seriously did NOT expect her to go as far as AC3, but I feel so damned lucky to have her around!). Freakin' love AC3, it's really made advancements since the last games. The naval battles are so much fun (though, it seems that every time I play them I feel this urge to listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.), and the new assassin training system is easier to manage. If you've played the others in the series, there's little reason NOT to pick this one up.
That about wraps up what's on my mind and what I've been up to as of late. I'll see ya'll sometime in the future. Later pplz!