Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Broken Sound

Hey everyone...long day today so I don't know how much I'll type, I've got a damned headache that's been driving me nuts all day. So, how many people here enjoy having an annoying little insect chirping in your ear at 4:30 in the morning? I know I DONT! 4:30 in the morning I awake to this annoying cricket chirping in my bathroom (which is connected to the living room I sleep in) and refused to let me sleep. Eventually I gave up trying to go back to bed and spent two hours on Clannad until I got hungry and had some cereal, hoping that would wake me up a little. All it did was make me fart like crazy first hour. Seriously, are high schoolers really as immature as to make such idiotic comments when someone farts? Is it really that interesting? There's a lesson going on, I'm trying to pay attention...

And it just gets worse from there. For the past week, I'd been trying to get my girlfriend to return my favorite thumbdrive that had a backup copy of my novel and a few other backups that I prioritized. I really didn't like letting anyone borrow it, but she was my girlfriend, she needed it, I really couldn't say no. Turns out...she left it in Florida when she was on vacation. I just really hope that where-ever she left it, nobody's getting any ideas with all that personal stuff I crammed on that little thing...

And wait! It gets worse! I was getting ready to do my psychology homework (love psychology btw, one of the few classes I was eager to take this year), and had one of the school's Macbooks so i can type up the answers I got, just as the teacher approved. I was three quarters of the way done when the little bastard froze up on my before I could save it. Now, I get to redo the whole damn thing tomorrow. This is why I never trust Apple, or my schools for that matter. They know all the ways to half-ass something, and by half-ass, I refer to these little crappy Macbooks.

Then P.E comes. Nothing like 90 degree weather to boil my brains...

By sixth hour I just basically gave up and screw everything, I want a break so I'm gonna take one. I slacked off the rest of the day, luckily not getting any grief from the teachers. Hell, I was lucky I was still able to eat lunch, especially after what that cereal did to my stomach. I got home and was just pooped out. Didn't want to do my Algebra 2 homework, didn't want to go and see if anyone would come down and hang out, just wanted to sit in my house and try to figure out something to kill off my throbbing headache. I check my emails, put my bookbag on the couch, then go to store my wallet at my computer desk (different computer, tower computer and not my laptop desk), when I meet eyes with one of my friends that I guess had snuck in before I got home. I'm not kidding when I say that my heart stopped. He scared the hell out of me, I really did not expect to see my overgrown friend just standing next to my computer desk like the damn Slenderman...

So all in all, I'm just ready to give up my conciousness and plop down on the floor dead...but instead, I'm going to hold out that until it's nighttime and I can take a LONG RELAXING SHOWER! Hopefully that'll soothe my nerves. Anyways, see ya'll later, I'm going to go relax for a while before I have to do that stupid homework...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sound of Monotony

Hello everyone. Time for another update on what's up in my life. There's not TOO much to talk about, I think I'm going to be maintaining a well-established rut now that school's started. Same thing happened last year, but at least this rut will net me $30 from my uncle every week and still give me time to fart around.

I've been on Minecraft alot lately, Xbox and PC. Still working on my town on the Xbox version and still trying to find a damn server to work on on the PC version. Seems like most of my contacts grow bored of me or something, they talk once about me joining a server and then abruptly stop talking for seriously long periods. Oh well, best to move on. Speaking of Xbox, I'm currently aiming to conquer Fall of Cybertron on Hard, something I feel would be a nice addition to my Gamerscore. I'm still iffy on the multiplayer, but if I can find somebody that's actually willing to cooperate and listen and strategize (three things gamers refuse to do anymore), I might have a chance of pumping out the achievements on it's multiplayer. If I can get 100% completion on it, that'll make my whole year right there.

And as for my PC, my little laptops been overworked downloading visual novels onto it (along with the occasional software update). I've been outright hooked on visual novels, just finished Narcissu, which was really dark but really good too. The soundtrack fit so perfectly that I couldn't stop reading it!

Right now I'm going through Clannad, I've always wanted to experience something other than it's anime, the series was absolutely amazing.

For my anime watching habits, I've taken interest in watching the .hack series. I've read Legend of the Twilight on manga and it had me hooked enough to try tracking down an anime adaptation. I've also been watching Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, sequel series to what Americans know as Hell Girl. Great show, makes you really ask how much revenge is worth. I watched the whole series off Netflix and didn't regret a moment of it.

Poked around on a Ebay and Amazon and looked up the average prices for some of my old toys and gaming consoles when I noticed how much people are willing to pay for a NES. Seriously, almost $8,000.00 for a NES, still in it's box with all the wires. I know it's mint condition but holy hell that's alotta money for one of those relics. Oh, and I'm considering getting a PSP Vita or 3DS or both. Depends, if Nintendo's gonna pull a fast one and come out with a 3DS XL, I'll just wait for that. Wouldn't be the first time they've made slight modifications to their consoles and nail the repeat-buyers for another $100.00.

School's gonna be interesting this year, all my classes have either crazy students, crazy teachers, or both. Chemistry's gonna be the most fun, the new teacher has little experience with Chemistry and there's nobody else that could do it. I can already see someone blowing something up or setting the floor on fire like the last chem class did. It's going great so far for me, get to see all my friends, my girlfriend, and all the crazy teachers I've grown fond of. The only bad thing is that there's a new superintendant and I'm a little wary about her. Hopefully she wont be as strict as the last one.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Lately, I've been listening to alot of VNV Nation, good electro-synth band, great band, I've been trying to see if my local music store would order their CD's but they keep saying they can't, but oh well, that's where Youtube music rippers come in handy. Normally I'd support the band, but the people around here are seriously incompetent and I can't order stuff online thanks to my Paypal being just as incompetent. Oh well, I tried, at least I tried...

Recently picked up the first season of Panty and Stocking, $54.00 well wasted. The show's great, somehow it's just amazing. Too bad I almost accidentally poisoned a seven-year-old's mind with it. Dang kids, my grandmother invites her friends and doesn't tell me and then her friends bring younger kids around my house that is NOT and I repeat, NOT, kid-friendly. Seriously, that kid would've learned every cuss-word in the book in just fifteen minutes if I hadn't thought fast and turned it off.

Just as well though, cause my grandma was just getting back from getting me Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, which is EXTREMELY AWESOME!! Well, for a G1 TF nerd like me anyways. If you've watched the Transformers (and I mean the old stuff from the 80's), you'd definitely get a kick out of this reboot of the beginning of the Transformers. Loving the whole game, the gameplay's revamped, the graphics are astounding, and the game just all out captures what it feels like to be a titan of destruction. When you get to control the mighty Bruticus or the fire-breathing T-Rex, Grimlock, you can literally FEEL the power of being able to crush and destroy any and all in your path. I'm still iffy about playing multiplayer (mainly cause I suck at it), but the new character creation is great. honestly worth every penny I shelled out for it.

Oh yeah, and I'm still going on with my Youtube stuff, uploading another radio session now and all my friends at school seem to like it. Good, now I have somewhat of an audience (either that or a bunch of lying sacks of crap). I think I'm just going to keep up with the radio and save the music creation for a later part of my life. It's for the best, school's gonna be rough this year and I don't know how much time I'll have to do all this...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sound Check

Hello and welcome to the official blogsite for me, Cory Clark, author of the Winged Echo series. I'll try my best to keep up to date and keep my readers entertained by what I do outside of writing. Today, I'll post up some basic goings-on in my current life, so let's get started...

I've recently started my own sort of radio on Youtube, something else to keep myself busy during school. Got the first session up today, thinking about maybe changing the name, but I dunno yet.

It'll hopefully get better from here, hopefully the upload times wont be past 2000 freakin' minutes. It's just insane how long it takes to upload a video anymore, but it probably doesn't help that my video length skims close to half an hour. Oh well, no big problem.

As far as gaming goes, I'm still swapping back and forth between Kingdoms of Amalur and Minecraft. That town's really getting big and fast on MC, I really hope that one day it'll be a nice server for other people to enjoy (hopefully without the griefers...why do I get so paranoid when someone comes on my server whether I know them or not?). KoA is getting pretty fun, I think I've just hit the halfway mark and it's really interesting. Of course, it WAS worked on by R.A. Salvator (IMO, best fantasy writer I've ever seen. Still can't get over the epicness of the Cleric Quintet). Debating on whether or not to pick up the DLC for KoA, but I might.

Onto my anime addictions! Today I almost had enough money to pick up the full Panty and Stocking collection for $55.00, but I was a few dollars short. Victory will be mine!!...eventually...the series is so random but so funny and perverted as hell. I don't really get how it's so attracting but it is. I also saw (ready for this?) an anime version of the TV show Supernatural. My friend Cody showed it to me and I kinda like it, might really get into it if it's now in anime versions too, but i still say it needs more Slenderman.

Speaking of Slenderman, I've recently downloaded the PC game Slender, and am going to wait til midnight, turn all the lights off, and do a dual commentary with my friend Cody. Anybody tried this game yet? It seems interesting, I've been interested in Slenderman since Minecraft introduced the Enderman that are basically the same creepy concept.

In other random news, today I picked up two awesome T-shirts that I'm so totally gonna enjoy wearing at school, just to promote my favorite stuff and watch my friends say "Oh no, he's at it again..."
Picked up one T-shirt that has Gears of War 3 with Marcus and a lancer on the front and the other T-shirt has a detailed picture of Hatsune Miku. Yes that's right, I will gladly wear this shirt in honor of my status as Liberty, Illinois's one and only otaku. Otaku rule!!

Anyways, that's all for today, I'm going to continue eating my pepperoni pizza and playing Minecraft while listening to my radio. Catch ya'll later!