Sunday, August 26, 2012
Sound of Monotony
Hello everyone. Time for another update on what's up in my life. There's not TOO much to talk about, I think I'm going to be maintaining a well-established rut now that school's started. Same thing happened last year, but at least this rut will net me $30 from my uncle every week and still give me time to fart around.
I've been on Minecraft alot lately, Xbox and PC. Still working on my town on the Xbox version and still trying to find a damn server to work on on the PC version. Seems like most of my contacts grow bored of me or something, they talk once about me joining a server and then abruptly stop talking for seriously long periods. Oh well, best to move on. Speaking of Xbox, I'm currently aiming to conquer Fall of Cybertron on Hard, something I feel would be a nice addition to my Gamerscore. I'm still iffy on the multiplayer, but if I can find somebody that's actually willing to cooperate and listen and strategize (three things gamers refuse to do anymore), I might have a chance of pumping out the achievements on it's multiplayer. If I can get 100% completion on it, that'll make my whole year right there.
And as for my PC, my little laptops been overworked downloading visual novels onto it (along with the occasional software update). I've been outright hooked on visual novels, just finished Narcissu, which was really dark but really good too. The soundtrack fit so perfectly that I couldn't stop reading it!
Right now I'm going through Clannad, I've always wanted to experience something other than it's anime, the series was absolutely amazing.
For my anime watching habits, I've taken interest in watching the .hack series. I've read Legend of the Twilight on manga and it had me hooked enough to try tracking down an anime adaptation. I've also been watching Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori, sequel series to what Americans know as Hell Girl. Great show, makes you really ask how much revenge is worth. I watched the whole series off Netflix and didn't regret a moment of it.
Poked around on a Ebay and Amazon and looked up the average prices for some of my old toys and gaming consoles when I noticed how much people are willing to pay for a NES. Seriously, almost $8,000.00 for a NES, still in it's box with all the wires. I know it's mint condition but holy hell that's alotta money for one of those relics. Oh, and I'm considering getting a PSP Vita or 3DS or both. Depends, if Nintendo's gonna pull a fast one and come out with a 3DS XL, I'll just wait for that. Wouldn't be the first time they've made slight modifications to their consoles and nail the repeat-buyers for another $100.00.
School's gonna be interesting this year, all my classes have either crazy students, crazy teachers, or both. Chemistry's gonna be the most fun, the new teacher has little experience with Chemistry and there's nobody else that could do it. I can already see someone blowing something up or setting the floor on fire like the last chem class did. It's going great so far for me, get to see all my friends, my girlfriend, and all the crazy teachers I've grown fond of. The only bad thing is that there's a new superintendant and I'm a little wary about her. Hopefully she wont be as strict as the last one.
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