Hello pplz of teh 4gehubz, sorry for the long wait, but I've just got done finishing up the campaign for Borderlands 2 and I freakin' LOVED IT!! I'll give in the details and such here in a minute. First off, I want to mention something going on in my life that has pleased me to no end.
At school...my two followers (one being the friend I mentioned in my earlier blogs and the other being a sort of trainee otaku I've been trying to...ahem...'domesticate') have finally started leaving me alone and went off to bother someone else for a while!! I've been just ecstatic thanks to that. The female friend I've mentioned before has found some other boy to bother (who is actually ironically my neighbor) and there was originally this one freshman I've been trying to open up and be more friendly to others, but I had to give up on him cause he was just a plain out nutjob that I couldn't control anymore. Both of them found better people to bother and I've just been relaxed as can be.

As far as the storyline goes, this is like comparing a Midget Psycho to General Knoxx. Totally revamped and super interesting now. Thanks to Borderland's simple universe, you can hop in without having to know TOO many of the details. There's a fluent linear plot to it, a little basic, it basically goes by the whole "Take down the evil stereotypical tyrant" plot but it works still. There's alot of plot twists now, it was even...dare I say it...an emotional rollercoaster. Not just the storyline though, there have been many times that I've shed tears of frustration because of a really hard fight, but the storyline's got a flow now and that makes it even more interesting. On top of epic new guns and enemies, now there's a decent plotline.
*Warning* Spoilers below!! Read at your own risk!!\/
After New Haven gets burned to the ground, everyone has to move to Sanctuary, led by Roland, and after some of the plotline and slaying, there are alot of interesting turning points. All of the new Vault Hunters come into play and somewhere in the plot (around 30% in I'd say) Mordecai's pet Bloodwing gets mutated and then killed. Yes, FREAKIN KILLED. I honestly didn't see that coming at all, I was wearing my WTF face for like ten minutes after killing the damn thing. After even more fighting and progression, I got to the point of having to kill Angel, which honestly, Borderlands 1 decieved me. After finishing the first game, it showed a Hyperion satellite which I believed to be Angel, not a Siren that Handsome Jack was harvesting energy from. On top of the shock of realizing that not only was Angel a person and not some AI program for a satellite, I was also shocked that Angel was Handsome Jack's daughter and that, right after killing her, that tyrant freakin' killed Roland! I was dumbfounded and amazed that...well...THAT just happened. What a helluva ride, that plot kicked ass compared to the first game's lackluster campaign.
*End of Spoilers*
Anyways, if you haven't played this game yet, I seriously recommend it. It's got a strange genre to it, kinda like WoW meets FPS, but it's got a charm that makes it hard to put away.
Anyways, moving on to one other thing I'd like to mention. I recently got my girlfriend hooked on Touhou. I warned her that it was hard, she didn't believe me, and then came up to me at school and clearly stated that it was hard. Can't say I didn't warn her, they don't call it a bullet hell shooter for nothing.
So, I'll see ya'll later my friends!
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