Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Empyreal Effulgence

Hello everyone, time for another update. So, to start off, I am in an exceptionally good mood today. Finished midterms today 'cause we didn't get to do it before winter break thanks to some bad snowstorms. I was utterly terrified of doing my Algebra 2 midterm(because I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at math, even the basic kinds.) and I was at a D- when I last checked my grade. Later that day, I got to see my exams and I passed with a D+! All my other exams were easy, but I took my time on the math exams. All in all, did great on my finals.

Moving on to something a little more interesting like gaming, I would like to mention that I have finished Crysis 2. It was pretty damned good, the plotline was easy enough for me to follow, despite me not playing the first one. It was well designed, the levels were epic, creatures were interesting, and the gameplay was very innovative. In totality, I'd give it an 8.5/10, the only downfall being it's multiplayer. Just...no, I'm sorry but I can't play the MP, it's just not any fun.

After that, I played and finally finished Dark Void. It's a seriously underappreciated game, seriously people, I thought it was pretty good. The music was my favorite point, right next to the creative cover system. The music felt so...unique. Like tribal music mixed with a sort of battle techno. It's difficult to describe, but regardless, I liked the game. I never thought a simple jetpack could be so much fun! And some of the brutal kills are pretty sick. The plotline was actually interesting, a lot more than I thought it would be. Out of ten? I'd give it a 8/10, the only downside being it's rather dull scenery, though some of it's pretty well made. Felt kinda like Uncharted meets Mass Effect

Moving on, I've gone through F.E.A.R Files, finished both Perseus Mandate and Extraction Point on it. Fans of the series will probably like it, mainly due to it containing some of the good ol' fashioned creepy-as-hell moments the series has been known for. Another great point is the new weapons. They've really bumped it up a notch, we're talkin' mini-guns and laser rifles people, and they are FUN to rip people apart with. However, the campaigns had some downsides. Like the other games in the series, it still has the outright dull scenery. Seriously, is there anywhere a little more interesting we could be going? Also, if you don't play the original game, the first F.E.A.R, chances are you likely aren't gonna get any of the story without help from Wikipedia or something. Overall, I give the series a 7/10, seriously, it's like $3.99 at Gamestop, is that really gonna break the bank? Give it a shot if you can.

Oh, and before I forget to mention this, I recently reserved Hyperdimension Neptunia V: Limited Edition. Only had about 10% of their stock left, I was lucky as hell my Paypal actually worked, I'm gonna have every single Limited Edition in the series. Total nerdgasm, I'm so happy to have gotten that reserved.

Also, just to add for kicks, I've been reading a lot of gaming creepypasta. Don't know why though, stuff like that creeps me the hell out, but I just find some of it really interesting. Pokemon Lost Silver, Tails Doll, Killswitch, stuff like that keeps me interested. So, question 1, What's the creepiest thing you've ever seen in a video game?

Lastly, before I go back to my Xbox, I would like to mention that I have officially gotten my PSP up and going again! For the longest time the battery hasn't worked worth a shit, but one of my friends fixed it for me and has offered to help with it whenever it starts going dead again for no reason. So, question 2, what all games could the fine ppl of Forgehub recommend for the PSP?

See ya'll later people, I'mma hop back on the Xbox!

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