Sup noobs. I'm back finally. Figured it wouldn't hurt to get to typing on my blog every now and again. Not too awful much has happened in my absence. Went to a convention up in Wisconsin, went back to school, went to the local festival, the usual stuff. Anyways, I'm gonna make this post a little short by leaving a little list of things I've been up to, projects included.
First of all, my newest novel series, Starliner, has it's first book almost ready to be out and about. Gotta go through it once more, have my favorite proofreader spruce it up, then get a cover. That's right people, new book after just half a year of releasing Radiant Reverb. Got the second book in the works too, along with another series to work on after this.
Second, my Minecraft project still stands tall! The beautiful city of Landscape is currently in progress and I will put a few pics up near the bottom.
Other than that, I've been just going over some basic computer studies. C++, HTML, CSS, PHP, been going over the manuals for Blender 3D, Unity, and occasionally touching on Python. I've also been hard at work on FL Studio, and one day soon I'll have my newest songs up on Youtube, I will let people know when I have that up.
That'll wrap things up for now, onto the pictures I promised:
Monday, September 9, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Hello n00bs. After a seriously long wait, I've decided to update my blog. It's been a while. Been busy. So, to start off, I've begun two projects, Project: Horizon and Project: Starliner. Project: Horizon is a year and a half and still going project on Minecraft where I'm attempting to recreate the fictional world from my novel series, Symphony of Echoes. This series was originally known as the Winged Echo series. Anyways, I'm slowly but surely getting the place spruced up with some of my friends. Terraforming has not been kind to me, but I'm doing what I can. So far a lot of the town's finished and I'm getting onto recreating the Angel's Grove. There's also going to be some added goodies too.
Project: Starliner is my newest novel series. It'll be taking a darker tone than the last series I wrote, but this one will be quite a thrill for most. So far I'm at 44,000 words, slowly climbing my way up to the higher numbers that I'm aiming for. I'll post word count updates here and there.
As far as gaming goes for me, I've really not been doing much other than playing Minecraft and Fable 3 (which if you don't have Fable 3, go ahead and get it on the On Demand section of the Xbox Marketplace. Completely free. No troll. Seriously. FREE GAME.).
I think that'll do me in for the day. Later peoples.
Project: Starliner is my newest novel series. It'll be taking a darker tone than the last series I wrote, but this one will be quite a thrill for most. So far I'm at 44,000 words, slowly climbing my way up to the higher numbers that I'm aiming for. I'll post word count updates here and there.
As far as gaming goes for me, I've really not been doing much other than playing Minecraft and Fable 3 (which if you don't have Fable 3, go ahead and get it on the On Demand section of the Xbox Marketplace. Completely free. No troll. Seriously. FREE GAME.).
I think that'll do me in for the day. Later peoples.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Empyreal Effulgence
Hello everyone, time for another update. So, to start off, I am in an exceptionally good mood today. Finished midterms today 'cause we didn't get to do it before winter break thanks to some bad snowstorms. I was utterly terrified of doing my Algebra 2 midterm(because I'm absolutely TERRIBLE at math, even the basic kinds.) and I was at a D- when I last checked my grade. Later that day, I got to see my exams and I passed with a D+! All my other exams were easy, but I took my time on the math exams. All in all, did great on my finals.
Moving on to something a little more interesting like gaming, I would like to mention that I have finished Crysis 2. It was pretty damned good, the plotline was easy enough for me to follow, despite me not playing the first one. It was well designed, the levels were epic, creatures were interesting, and the gameplay was very innovative. In totality, I'd give it an 8.5/10, the only downfall being it's multiplayer., I'm sorry but I can't play the MP, it's just not any fun.
After that, I played and finally finished Dark Void. It's a seriously underappreciated game, seriously people, I thought it was pretty good. The music was my favorite point, right next to the creative cover system. The music felt so...unique. Like tribal music mixed with a sort of battle techno. It's difficult to describe, but regardless, I liked the game. I never thought a simple jetpack could be so much fun! And some of the brutal kills are pretty sick. The plotline was actually interesting, a lot more than I thought it would be. Out of ten? I'd give it a 8/10, the only downside being it's rather dull scenery, though some of it's pretty well made. Felt kinda like Uncharted meets Mass Effect
Moving on, I've gone through F.E.A.R Files, finished both Perseus Mandate and Extraction Point on it. Fans of the series will probably like it, mainly due to it containing some of the good ol' fashioned creepy-as-hell moments the series has been known for. Another great point is the new weapons. They've really bumped it up a notch, we're talkin' mini-guns and laser rifles people, and they are FUN to rip people apart with. However, the campaigns had some downsides. Like the other games in the series, it still has the outright dull scenery. Seriously, is there anywhere a little more interesting we could be going? Also, if you don't play the original game, the first F.E.A.R, chances are you likely aren't gonna get any of the story without help from Wikipedia or something. Overall, I give the series a 7/10, seriously, it's like $3.99 at Gamestop, is that really gonna break the bank? Give it a shot if you can.
Oh, and before I forget to mention this, I recently reserved Hyperdimension Neptunia V: Limited Edition. Only had about 10% of their stock left, I was lucky as hell my Paypal actually worked, I'm gonna have every single Limited Edition in the series. Total nerdgasm, I'm so happy to have gotten that reserved.
Also, just to add for kicks, I've been reading a lot of gaming creepypasta. Don't know why though, stuff like that creeps me the hell out, but I just find some of it really interesting. Pokemon Lost Silver, Tails Doll, Killswitch, stuff like that keeps me interested. So, question 1, What's the creepiest thing you've ever seen in a video game?
Lastly, before I go back to my Xbox, I would like to mention that I have officially gotten my PSP up and going again! For the longest time the battery hasn't worked worth a shit, but one of my friends fixed it for me and has offered to help with it whenever it starts going dead again for no reason. So, question 2, what all games could the fine ppl of Forgehub recommend for the PSP?
See ya'll later people, I'mma hop back on the Xbox!
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Arduous Rectification
I've been struggling to get myself away from my novel writing process. Now that my first series is done, I still feel like I should be doing something more useful with my time besides gaming all the time. Unfortunately, according to a lot of people, I tend to overwork myself as it is and a lot of people (including my parents and girlfriend) say that a long break for gaming is just what I need. It's like trying to ween a drinker off booze. I just can't help but keep wandering over to my computer and type up notes for my next series. Honestly, the only solution I've been able to come up with is to continue with my fanfiction which I'll probably get to once I finish the rest of my games. Relaxing for me is so damned hard...
Now that I'm done ranting about my life, I'm going to do some srs talk about gaming. I got a total of 11 freakin' games for my b-day and I'm gonna have around 34 coming for Christmas so I'm going to practice summarization for this blog and the next potential one. Let's begin!
First up, I have played what is (to me), one of the most movie-like games ever, Uncharted. Seriously good game, feels like Indiana Jones meets Assassin's Creed. The only complaint I have about it is the really annoying gunfights. That's really all I can complain about, the plots are original, the characters are witty and realistic, the graphics are pretty good, and the gameplay's insane. Feels like an all out great game, save for the annoying firefights.
Next up, played the Resistance series. It's not bad at all honestly, but seriously feels like somebody directly tried to make a Halo-CoD hybrid. The enemies are a little...strange but not bad. The rifles however are the kicker to me. Some of them are pretty sweet, like the Auger, a gun that shoots through cover. All in all, if you see the trilogy in for around $40.00, go for it, it's really not bad at all.
Also played Zone of the Enders. Remember Metal Gear Solid? Yeah, same people that worked on that also worked on ZoE. But ZoE is a TOTALLY different game altogether. First off, I just wanna say this, the gameplay feels sooooo damn good! You have so much room to move around and, though you kinda gotta strategize at some parts, you are given a lot of freedom on how you want to take down enemies. My only complaint is the storyline. Needs work, well, the first one does anyways. Didn't feel complete to me. Still good though, it's in HD and it looks insanely good (I also find the names of the mechs to be interesting; each one of them's named after an ancient Egyptian god like Neith and Anubis).
Lastly, and this is my fav for Xbox right now, my girlfriend got me Assassin's Creed 3 (seriously did NOT expect her to go as far as AC3, but I feel so damned lucky to have her around!). Freakin' love AC3, it's really made advancements since the last games. The naval battles are so much fun (though, it seems that every time I play them I feel this urge to listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.), and the new assassin training system is easier to manage. If you've played the others in the series, there's little reason NOT to pick this one up.
That about wraps up what's on my mind and what I've been up to as of late. I'll see ya'll sometime in the future. Later pplz!
Now that I'm done ranting about my life, I'm going to do some srs talk about gaming. I got a total of 11 freakin' games for my b-day and I'm gonna have around 34 coming for Christmas so I'm going to practice summarization for this blog and the next potential one. Let's begin!
First up, I have played what is (to me), one of the most movie-like games ever, Uncharted. Seriously good game, feels like Indiana Jones meets Assassin's Creed. The only complaint I have about it is the really annoying gunfights. That's really all I can complain about, the plots are original, the characters are witty and realistic, the graphics are pretty good, and the gameplay's insane. Feels like an all out great game, save for the annoying firefights.
Next up, played the Resistance series. It's not bad at all honestly, but seriously feels like somebody directly tried to make a Halo-CoD hybrid. The enemies are a little...strange but not bad. The rifles however are the kicker to me. Some of them are pretty sweet, like the Auger, a gun that shoots through cover. All in all, if you see the trilogy in for around $40.00, go for it, it's really not bad at all.

Lastly, and this is my fav for Xbox right now, my girlfriend got me Assassin's Creed 3 (seriously did NOT expect her to go as far as AC3, but I feel so damned lucky to have her around!). Freakin' love AC3, it's really made advancements since the last games. The naval battles are so much fun (though, it seems that every time I play them I feel this urge to listen to the Pirates of the Caribbean theme.), and the new assassin training system is easier to manage. If you've played the others in the series, there's little reason NOT to pick this one up.
That about wraps up what's on my mind and what I've been up to as of late. I'll see ya'll sometime in the future. Later pplz!
Monday, October 22, 2012
Vapid Cadence
Hello everyone. I'm finally here to post again. Things have been busy around here, still trying to keep my grades up, my uncle's recently moved in, I went to an awesome birthday party and so much more! I'll start by talking about my social life first.
Recently, my uncle's moved in. Money's getting tight anymore so we need what we can get. It's already been pretty interesting moving him in, I got to drive my uncles truck around shipping the stuff from his house to my grandma's (where I stay), and I almost gave one of my friends AND my grandma a heart attack cause I didn't bother using roads. Oh, and I almost knocked my uncle down while he was trying to unload stuff out of the back of the truck because the stupid gearshift got jammed and accidentally put me in reverse. Now that he's moved in, my friend, Cody, and I now have a 52-inch TV that he can hook his Xbox up to so we can use system link. I'll take the 62-inch, he can take my uncle's 52-inch, and we can game til dawn in luxury without having to do anything split-screen (cause we all know how annoying it is.)
Cody had his birthday party yesterday too. Had a bonfire where our groups of friends exchanged funny stories all night, were generally perverted with most everything we said, and even got out an Ouija board. Helluva night, and I also think playing out in the woods is what got me sick. I probably didn't mention that I have myself a bad sinus infection right now that just screwed up my perfect attendance at school. I'm not complaining too much though, I get to stay home at least and play Xbox and Minecraft.
Now onto the gaming, starting with Minecraft. I've been working on the server with my friends. We're accepting applications so if you wanna join, let me know and I'll show you how. It's pretty fun, we're a little short on crew members but it's still fun hanging out and building on Minecraft. As far as my pet project goes, I'm still working out some kinks in it, but so far so good. I've decided that what was originally going to be my whole city will end up being just the southern section of it. I have so many ideas for this city, but I'll tell ya, building on modern style in Minecraft is freakin hard.
I've also been working again on Kingdoms of Amalur, finishing up the loose ends on it so I can get it back to my friend. He's been waiting on me and I've just not gotten around to finishing all of it, kinda feel bad but at least I'm almost done with it. Just need to do the Forsworn and Travelers questlines and I'm done for the most part.
After that, I'm debating on what I'll do next. I still need to finish up Bionicle Heroes and pump the achievements out of it once and for all, but I also want to get back to playing Blazblue. So many choices. I also started Clannad over and I'm going to try and get all of the paths done now.
Now for the last tidbit of gaming: I've recently taken all the gaming posters (well almost all) down from my attic and put them downstairs. Well, that'll be all for tonight, see you later people.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Breaking the Monotony
Hello everyone, I'm back finally and ready to blog after a long freakin' weekend of strange happenings, gaming, and bonfires. So, let's begin...
Let's start off with happenings going on in my life, yesterday I went to a friends 17th b-day party. We had this awesome bonfire and would occasionally go into his barn where the second floor was decked out with all sorts of fun stuff like wheelie chairs, a volleyball net, and he also had a blowdart gun that people kept trying to kill each other with. That thing got seriously fun when we kept shooting it into people's styrofoam cups that had their hot chocolate in. We literally perferated their cups and after that, we used a punching bag as a shooting target. One of the kids scared me cause practically all of his shots would land around the crotch area. Then after that, we messed around for a while with a golf cart, pretended to run someone over, tried to fit seven kids in two seats (with six boys and one girl. THAT wasn't awkward at all...), then finished the night with cake. Good times, good times...

One more thing to finish this off, recently my favorite portable CD player broke and I was forced to buy a new one. This new one is interesting, some CDs it will make a slight static noise for those loud songs, notably my Blazblue soundtracks. Guess it can't take the which is epicly epic. So that will wrap up my blog, see ya'll later!
Monday, October 1, 2012
Lead Hailstorm
Hello pplz of teh 4gehubz, sorry for the long wait, but I've just got done finishing up the campaign for Borderlands 2 and I freakin' LOVED IT!! I'll give in the details and such here in a minute. First off, I want to mention something going on in my life that has pleased me to no end.
At two followers (one being the friend I mentioned in my earlier blogs and the other being a sort of trainee otaku I've been trying to...ahem...'domesticate') have finally started leaving me alone and went off to bother someone else for a while!! I've been just ecstatic thanks to that. The female friend I've mentioned before has found some other boy to bother (who is actually ironically my neighbor) and there was originally this one freshman I've been trying to open up and be more friendly to others, but I had to give up on him cause he was just a plain out nutjob that I couldn't control anymore. Both of them found better people to bother and I've just been relaxed as can be.

As far as the storyline goes, this is like comparing a Midget Psycho to General Knoxx. Totally revamped and super interesting now. Thanks to Borderland's simple universe, you can hop in without having to know TOO many of the details. There's a fluent linear plot to it, a little basic, it basically goes by the whole "Take down the evil stereotypical tyrant" plot but it works still. There's alot of plot twists now, it was even...dare I say emotional rollercoaster. Not just the storyline though, there have been many times that I've shed tears of frustration because of a really hard fight, but the storyline's got a flow now and that makes it even more interesting. On top of epic new guns and enemies, now there's a decent plotline.
*Warning* Spoilers below!! Read at your own risk!!\/
After New Haven gets burned to the ground, everyone has to move to Sanctuary, led by Roland, and after some of the plotline and slaying, there are alot of interesting turning points. All of the new Vault Hunters come into play and somewhere in the plot (around 30% in I'd say) Mordecai's pet Bloodwing gets mutated and then killed. Yes, FREAKIN KILLED. I honestly didn't see that coming at all, I was wearing my WTF face for like ten minutes after killing the damn thing. After even more fighting and progression, I got to the point of having to kill Angel, which honestly, Borderlands 1 decieved me. After finishing the first game, it showed a Hyperion satellite which I believed to be Angel, not a Siren that Handsome Jack was harvesting energy from. On top of the shock of realizing that not only was Angel a person and not some AI program for a satellite, I was also shocked that Angel was Handsome Jack's daughter and that, right after killing her, that tyrant freakin' killed Roland! I was dumbfounded and amazed that...well...THAT just happened. What a helluva ride, that plot kicked ass compared to the first game's lackluster campaign.
*End of Spoilers*
Anyways, if you haven't played this game yet, I seriously recommend it. It's got a strange genre to it, kinda like WoW meets FPS, but it's got a charm that makes it hard to put away.
Anyways, moving on to one other thing I'd like to mention. I recently got my girlfriend hooked on Touhou. I warned her that it was hard, she didn't believe me, and then came up to me at school and clearly stated that it was hard. Can't say I didn't warn her, they don't call it a bullet hell shooter for nothing.
So, I'll see ya'll later my friends!
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